This has to be the first program that I have being with that is in Beta and have stuck to all the promises.
I have earned with Tagvillage and there are some who are using this program as their livlyhood.
Tagvillage is all about being active. One can not expect to earn money being idle with this program. Like any online marketing program it takes a lot of time and patience to achieve success.
News from Tagvillage:-
Just 1 of the exciting messages we received within the site:-Tagvillage Attracts Large Advertising Network
Dec. 9, 2011
UPDATE: we are happy to announce that tagvillage has signed a deal with a major advertising network this week. When our Tagvertising distribution system launches, it will include ad content from one of the largest online ad networks. Advertisements from over 60,000 advertisers will be fed to us directly by this network. This means publishers will have access to the highest quality advertising content to monetize their sites. It also means tens of thousands of advertisers will immediately be targeting the Tags our members own from the very beginning of our Tagvertising Distribution System launch! As we are able to, we will release more details regarding this new partnership and the many other amazing things happening with our Tagvertising Platform.
What does this mean to us the affiliates? Well it means that if we have tags that they wish to use in their advertising we will be paid for the use of the word/tag.
I was asked by my newest referall what does Tagvillage do or how does it benefit us?
1. Tagvillage is a Social Site
2. Earn Credits for being active.
3. Share - help amazing charities and humanitarian causes. Together we can generate billions of dollars in advertising revenue and give it to incredible Causes to change the world!
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