Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tagvillage in 2012

Since my last post about Tagvillage a lot has happened. They have just completed the Guru Tag Contest where affiliates could win a share in 100 000.00 per catagory.
This has to be the first program that I have being with that is in Beta and have stuck to all the promises.
I have earned with Tagvillage and there are some who are using this program as their livlyhood.
Tagvillage is all about being active. One can not expect to earn money being idle with this program. Like any online marketing program it takes a lot of time and patience to achieve success.
News from Tagvillage:-
Just 1 of the exciting messages we received within the site:-
Tagvillage Attracts Large Advertising Network

Dec. 9, 2011
UPDATE: we are happy to announce that tagvillage has signed a deal with a major advertising network this week. When our Tagvertising distribution system launches, it will include ad content from one of the largest online ad networks. Advertisements from over 60,000 advertisers will be fed to us directly by this network. This means publishers will have access to the highest quality advertising content to monetize their sites. It also means tens of thousands of advertisers will immediately be targeting the Tags our members own from the very beginning of our Tagvertising Distribution System launch! As we are able to, we will release more details regarding this new partnership and the many other amazing things happening with our Tagvertising Platform.
What does this mean to us the affiliates? Well it means that if we have tags that they wish to use in their advertising we will be paid for the use of the word/tag.
I was asked by my newest referall what does Tagvillage do or how does it benefit us?
1. Tagvillage is a Social Site
2. Earn Credits for being active.
3. Share - help amazing charities and humanitarian causes. Together we can generate billions of dollars in advertising revenue and give it to incredible Causes to change the world!
How do Google and Facebook make money?

The most valuable real estate on earth...
Have you ever thought about how Google and Facebook make so much money? After all, they give their product away for free! It doesn't cost anything to search Google. It doesn't cost anything to use Facebook. Yet, they are two of the most profitable businesses on earth. How is it that everyone uses Google and Facebook for free, but they make so much money? The answer: keywords

Millions of advertisers pay Google and Facebook billions of dollars each year to publish advertisements on their pages. These ads target the keywords on the pages.

With 98% of the web within our reach, you will grab customers wherever they are. Whether they're surfing other websites or on the go with their mobile devices, we will place your brand right in front of them.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tagvillage Bazaar is Live

There is so much buzz in the Village these days. Everyone is going crazy bidding in the Tagvillage Bazaar. You can own tags that are valued at a very high price for as little as $1.44. Just imagine this :-

You own 1435 Tags, purchased for $596.44, Valued at $1570.91. My total investment to buy these words was about $20, the rest is from my AP (activity points) earnings.


What does this mean? It means if all your words where bought off you you would have an earning of $1570.91. Then there is also the possibility that an adveriser could use one of your words as a keyword and you would be paid for them using it. 

Here is a short video on how the Bazaar works

 If you really want to earn some good money then Join me Now in Tagvillage.








Thursday, May 5, 2011


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tagvillage has had a Revamp

Production Time-Line

We thought it would be right, since we are in Beta Phase, to keep our members informed at all times in respect to the development of the site. This page will serve as your resource to know what we are working on, and what is coming. This page will continue to change. As problems arise, glitches are resolved, new ideas are proposed, etc. we will modify this page accordingly. If you ever want to know what we are working on, or what you can look forward to next on the site, simply refer to this page.
Initial Project Planning (August 2010)
Incorporation & Business Development (September 2010)
Financing (October & November 2010)
            Marketing Plan (November 2010)
            Development Plan (November 2010)
            Pre-Launch (December 2010)
            Beta Stage 1 (January - February 2011)
Beta Stage 2 (March 2011 - May 2011) - This is almost complete.
Beta Stage 3 - TOP SECRET (May 2011 - June 2011)
Beta Stage 4 (June 2011 - July 2011)
Beta Stage 5 (August 2011 - September 2011)
Beta Stage 6 (October 2011 - November 2011)
Beta Stage 5 (December 2011)

There is still a lot of testing to be done until the final Live Launch.
You have to get in now so that you can start to build you word inventory:-
These are the stats for the tags/words I own. My initial investment was $15. Each day we are awarded profit share points for our activity. This has enabled me to get this great list of words and have tags/words valued at $551.07. Which if you look at it closely if all my tags/words were bought off me today I would have that cash in hand. This is really an easy way to make money but takes some time and dedication. People who are serious about earning money with this type of program will generate as many tag/words in their inventory that they can purchase.
If you want to be part of Tagvillage just fill in the form below, and once you have signed up and started to purchase you tags/words with your min. $5 investment i will send you a Free E-book as a gift from me to you to say Thank you to you.

* marked fields are mandatory.

First & Last Name*
Skypr ID*

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Join me in Tagvillage the Social, Multi Search Engine

                                                      Video by Russell Miller

Tagvillage is multi-search
  • Top of Form
  • Social Search
  • Local Search
  • Global Search
Tagvillage also includes a built-in search engine. But this isn’t just any old search engine. This is a multi-search engine. We like to call it “Search Democracy”. At first, it will seem like any organic search engine out there. As you use it more and more, you will see it is very different. It learns, it gets to know you, it helps you find what you are really looking for!
Social Search to find people, pages, and organizations related to your topic and connect with them. At the same time, Web Search to find websites and articles related to your topic. Then take control. With “Search Democracy” you can narrow down your search results to the ones that are most relevant to YOU! Not the ones relevant to some guy over there on the other side of the world.
Members can rate and review sites, businesses, and other search results. As they do so, they improve the rankings of listings in the search results for other people in their social network. Looking for a good auto mechanic in your city? Enter “auto mechanic” and the top ranked listings will be the ones recommended by people you actually know and are connected to in the social network.

  • Bottom of Form
  • Tagvillage has multiple streams of income
  • Weekly Profit Shares
  • Tag Sales
  • Referral Commissions
  • Tagvertiser Commissions
When you join and use Tagvillage, you make money. You join for FREE. You use the site. We pay you. Period.

Better yet, you can expand your earnings by adding revenue streams. You can buy and sell Tags, refer others to the site, and earn Tagvertising commissions.

2. Earn
Tagvillage is multiple streams of income
  • Weekly Profit Shares
  • Points for posting
  • Points for chatting
  • Points for uploading photos
  • Money for your points

So, why should I join now?

Good question! Tagvillage is in pre-launch registration mode. All new registrations will receive 100 free play credits to try out Tagvillage. This is a limited time offer. If you join now, you can take advantage of special pre-launch advantages. It is currently in Beta testing Phase and is not a finished product and if you can't bear the pause's do not participate in Beta Phase if Beta Phase is not for you. Come back in May 2011 when it will be a finished product.
Pre-Launch ONLY Advantages

1. Activate your referral link early
2. Earn early referral commissions
3. Earn weekly profit shares

Wow! Get early referrals and exclusive Tag Trading time!

3. Share
Tagvillage is a Multi Social Site

Connect to any of your existing social sites all from one place