Sunday, January 9, 2011

Join me in Tagvillage the Social, Multi Search Engine

                                                      Video by Russell Miller

Tagvillage is multi-search
  • Top of Form
  • Social Search
  • Local Search
  • Global Search
Tagvillage also includes a built-in search engine. But this isn’t just any old search engine. This is a multi-search engine. We like to call it “Search Democracy”. At first, it will seem like any organic search engine out there. As you use it more and more, you will see it is very different. It learns, it gets to know you, it helps you find what you are really looking for!
Social Search to find people, pages, and organizations related to your topic and connect with them. At the same time, Web Search to find websites and articles related to your topic. Then take control. With “Search Democracy” you can narrow down your search results to the ones that are most relevant to YOU! Not the ones relevant to some guy over there on the other side of the world.
Members can rate and review sites, businesses, and other search results. As they do so, they improve the rankings of listings in the search results for other people in their social network. Looking for a good auto mechanic in your city? Enter “auto mechanic” and the top ranked listings will be the ones recommended by people you actually know and are connected to in the social network.

  • Bottom of Form
  • Tagvillage has multiple streams of income
  • Weekly Profit Shares
  • Tag Sales
  • Referral Commissions
  • Tagvertiser Commissions
When you join and use Tagvillage, you make money. You join for FREE. You use the site. We pay you. Period.

Better yet, you can expand your earnings by adding revenue streams. You can buy and sell Tags, refer others to the site, and earn Tagvertising commissions.

2. Earn
Tagvillage is multiple streams of income
  • Weekly Profit Shares
  • Points for posting
  • Points for chatting
  • Points for uploading photos
  • Money for your points

So, why should I join now?

Good question! Tagvillage is in pre-launch registration mode. All new registrations will receive 100 free play credits to try out Tagvillage. This is a limited time offer. If you join now, you can take advantage of special pre-launch advantages. It is currently in Beta testing Phase and is not a finished product and if you can't bear the pause's do not participate in Beta Phase if Beta Phase is not for you. Come back in May 2011 when it will be a finished product.
Pre-Launch ONLY Advantages

1. Activate your referral link early
2. Earn early referral commissions
3. Earn weekly profit shares

Wow! Get early referrals and exclusive Tag Trading time!

3. Share
Tagvillage is a Multi Social Site

Connect to any of your existing social sites all from one place